Rediscovering Faith: Understanding the Nature of Kingdom Living

Rediscovering Faith: Understanding the Nature of Kingdom Living

Kindle Edition
28 Aug
Myles Munroe

What is true faith? In The Power of Kingdom Faith, Dr. Myles Munroe strips away the common errors and misconceptions surrounding faith to reveal the nature, character, and power of true faith, or, Kingdom faith. Kingdom faith trusts not in the promises of God but in the God who promises; seeks not the blessings of God, but the God who blesses. Kingdom faith will always be tested, but because it places its trust in the King of the universe, will always prevail under testing. Kingdom faith, therefore is a triumphant faith that will overcome the world.

Reviews (86)

Believing in your faith

You have to know how the belated Myles Munroe believed, thought and taught. I can see now what he was trying to explain 10 years ago - so much more clear to me. His words are simple yet meaningful if you open your mind and heart to Jesus Christ. He was explaining that God’s Kingdom is already right here on earth because that’s what the bible teaches. Your belief is in your faith.

Rediscovering Faith: Understanding the Nature of Kingdom Living

I love this book because it's very encouraging. In times like these, we all need to be encouraged to contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints. It gives you an opportunity to rediscover, take back all that the enemy has stolen from you. Its a beautiful thing to have an understanding of the nature of Kingdom Living. Dr. Myles Munroe is an awesome writer and I just love the way God allows him to breakdown things to a level where everyone can understand. The anointing is very strong and real in his life and writings and I love it! I would recommend any and all of his books to everyone because they are very uplifting and encouraging.

A comprehensive view of the role of faith

In this book, Myles Monroe gives an overview of faith in the life of the Christian. We become believers by faith. We walk through life by faith. And our faith in the hope of eternity sustains us in death. Truly, without faith, it is impossible to please God. This wasn't Monroe's best book, but he packed a lot of truth into its pages.

Myles Munroe

A powerful teaching on faith as the currency of The Kingdom of Heaven. Introduced as Kingdom Faith, the late minister asks the reader to consider their own faith in today’s world. Selected scriptures are shared to expand his teaching. Many highlighted statements worthy of serious consideration.

I highly recommend this book

A profound must read for those in the faith. It will open your eyes to a greater understanding of what it means from scripture. I will apply and remember the biblical principles taught in this book. I highly recommend this book. Thank You.

The most amazing book on faith I've read

Many books are written from a perspective that you don't have trucks when you have faith but this book disputes that and make pain the Kingdom currency of faith. It blessed me to read this book.

Very Helpful and Encouraging.

I recommend this book to all of God's children. Each of us can be encouraged by the fact that there is a divine reason for the trials we face throughout our lives journey. And that all things are possible, all we need for success is a little faith.

I truly enjoyed reading this book

I truly enjoyed reading this book. I have learned a lot about faith that I didn't know. I have notes that I wrote down and will continue to look through this book from now on. I pray that the Munroe family will continue to be a blessing. Thanks!

A book of faith

An uplifting and inspirational message to help strengthen your relationship with GOD. I was moved by this book, it helped me!

Kingdom Faith

A thoughtful presentation of what the KIngdom of God is like and the necessity of faith. It is wonderfully encouraging.

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