Daily Leo Horoscope August 29 (29/08)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

August 29


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 10/10

You want change in a particular way but might be aware of how youll be opening the door to upheaval by instigating it. Its true that, where theres change, upheaval is rarely far behind. But try to connect with the part of you that wants to see a situation shaken up a bit. If its going to change in the way you appear to need it to, then there could be something exciting about creating a bit of chaos first. Trust that, when proverbial dust settles, youll feel more reassured or secure.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

You could be aware of how much effort has been given to a particular area or individual for which youve received little gratitude. You probably didnt expect to be thanked but would at least appreciate acknowledgment of having gone out on the proverbial limb in ways you have. Is this something you need to draw attention to? Definitely not! Will you be the recipient of gratitude from the cosmos for your efforts? Absolutely! Trust that you havent been overlooked.


summary leo weekly

Star 8/10

You have ideas about how to boost your income or feel a greater sense of comfort in a material sense but could find your wonderful ideas are met with restriction or resistance in some way. You want to make A happen but appear to have to deal with and resolve B before you can take the step you want to take to enhance your financial status. This week, Venus enters your sign. Give her a chance to work some magic and reduce your material-based frustrations or concerns.


summary leo monthly

Star 8/10

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th brings closure to a relationship or commitment but marks the start of a new beginning. Some Leos will decide one relationship has run its course; others will seize an opportunity to deepen an involvement. Your relationship with a certain individual is about to be seen in a realistic light, warts and all. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st offers you a fantastic chance to embark upon achieving a long-held ambition. You have the cosmic equivalent of a green light, so decide what you want and make an effort achieve it. The universe is on your side!


health leo daily

Star 9/10

With today\s planetary positions you will have no trouble focusing on your body and its various needs. A very \"alive\" feeling in your body must be celebrated and given very close attention. A workout, a healthy balanced diet and plenty of water are all things you must lavish upon yourself. In fact, today\s aspect can have a way of making things difficult if the \"right thing\" is ignored due to laziness or indifference. Wake up with your body!


health leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Whether you can feel it consciously or not, you are enjoying great sensitivity now, and you will be able to reach others in profound ways emotionally. You may not feel like using this sensitivity for anything too complicated, just giving and receiving with greater awareness is a lot in itself. You must pay serious attention to your health and wellness though if you really want this energy to come through. Exercise is critical, as is nutrition.


health leo weekly

Star 10/10

It helps to stay as fit and flexible as possible, especially now. Pay attention to your bones and cartilage and any tension due to stress, fear, and muscle contractions. You\ll do yourself a lot of good if you try swimming, dancing, yoga, or tai chi. Take fish oils and other specialized supplements to keep your joints in good shape.


health leo monthly

Star 10/10

If youve stuck with certain health routines, it could be difficult to change. But this is the choice you may face, especially early in the month when the benefits of new health habits might appeal to you. It would be too much to expect you to alter your ways overnight, so consider lowering your expectations. Set small goals for yourself that you can accomplish and gradually increase over the weeks and months ahead. If you want to see a revolution in your health, it doesnt need to happen in a day. By far the best way is to pace yourself.


love leo daily

Star 8/10

Your loved one seems to be in a particularly ardent and adventurous mood. The day\s planetary configuration indicates that you have every chance to go places you have never been before. It is a day to discover new things you love to do together, and to find other interests you can share. Whether you are with friends or alone together, it will be really pleasant.


love leo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Don\t let the energy of today make you promise more than you can possibly give. There is a tendency, with the current planetary configuration, to overextend yourself in some way. You and your partner may have agreed to get a certain situation sorted out, but you will only make it worse if you make a halfhearted attempt. Do what you must, and have fun.


love leo weekly

Star 7/10

You have to choose one way or the other as the new week begins, because you cant have it both ways. Youre quite the charmer, but even you cant get away with some of the stuff youre trying to pull right now. Good friends are the best confidants later in the week, especially if they know your dating history. Get some good, practical advice before you make your next move.


love leo monthly

Star 8/10

A delightful Venus-Neptune trine on August 12 reminds you that love is grand. You dont have any complaints, and you enjoy every moment youre able to spend getting to know someone new. The spell is broken by the serious nature of the Mars-Saturn trine on August 22, but not in an entirely negative way. Just because its time to get down to business and focus on fixing a romance-related problem doesnt mean the mood has to be humorless or somber. Mercury backs into Leo on August 26, so watch your filter. Saying everything that pops into your head to a date isnt conducive to a good time.


career leo daily

Star 10/10

Making decisions will be difficult for you. Your first reaction will be to get extremely frustrated at yourself. Don\t beat yourself up just because you can\t decide. It is perfectly fine to weigh all of your options at this time. Indecision is okay.


career leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

The primary struggle for you today will be getting your own work done and your own needs met while also working together with others. At first, these two things seem incongruent or mutually exclusive. Your challenge is to find how they aren\t.


career leo weekly

Star 7/10

You have good reason to feel proud of yourself. Put extra effort into your usual tasks. Cleaning your work area can also help you feel more inspired. Do your best to make things very neat and clean, with everything in its own specific place. Hardworking, flexible individuals who are able to stick to given tasks will have a great week. There is the potential for a work flirtation turning into something more. Be sure this is appropriate.


career leo monthly

Star 8/10

A business obligation will be satisfied around August 7, allowing you to move on to bigger and better things. Use this achievement to attract the kinds of daring and enthusiastic clients you desire. Youll have a chance at the beginning of August to work with cultured and tasteful people who bring out the best in you. By the time August 21 arrives, you will have earned the fame and acclaim you deserve. If youve ever wanted to start your own business, go for it. Make sure to integrate your name in the title of the enterprise. People are eager to work with you.

